Monday, November 22, 2010

A Jeweler That Specializes In.... Limited Invincibility?

     Yes, the title should have been, "Yes, this is really what I want for Christmas, forget the Open Hearts Collection." I am a huge fan of these diamond encrusted pendants made by TraxNYC. Only problem is I am $2,699 dollars short of the $2,700 price tag. In an age of post-"bling," we still find cultures still indulging in the most horrendous pieces of jewelry imaginable (have you seen these rappers lately?). I am happy one person made something worth wearing. The only problem I can see with this is, for $2,700 I can literally have a small orchestra follow me through Chicago and play the "Invincibility" soundtrack from Super Mario Bros. That is just my opinion people.

To find more of TraxNYC's Mario Collection and their new Hellboy Collection, be sure to check out

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Top 5 Video Game Girls That Kick Ass

     As a guy gamer of a different breed, I thouroughly respect all forms of fellow gamers. From kids, to women, even if your pet hamster can play, they are more than welcomed in my gaming space. However, one trend that I notice about gaming that I truly love, is the evolution of women in gaming. It is about time that developers acknowledge the fact that pink controllers are not just for men who are comfortable with their sexuality [raises hand], or the fact that I am handed a beat down in Madden 2011 by "HelloKittyAssassin." The truth is, they are out there fellas, and they want the crown. So in my "post-veterans day" post, I salute the legends that I would gladly encase their jerseys in my Copperstown of video games.

5) Tifa Lockheart (Final Fantasy VII)

Yes, I picked Tifa as opposed to the main heroin Lightning in Final Fantasy 13. While Lightning led the team to save humanity, Tifa had one major advantage that won my heart, she used no weapons! She literally kicked ass. Sure Cloud could have done all the work for himself, it was Tifa that became the heartbeat in your party. Also, how could you turn her down after seeing this short film from Monty Oum:

4) Ivy (Soul Calibur Series)
Two things I do love is troubled women (not psychos, big difference!), and women that will make me run from a challenge. Ivy excels at both. Remarkable swordsman, and when using a sword is not enough, it turns into a magical whip of death! Now any woman can enter the battlefield and leave victorious, but Ivy is a real woman that adds style in her fighting as if Beethoven was playing in the background.

3) Chun-Li (Street Fighter Series)
So I have a little crush on Chun-Li. Not only is she the "Big Boy" when mentioning the phrase "Stomping with the big boys," She is the most attractive person doing it (Sorry Zangief). What adds to her bad ass factor is her reason for fighting, to find the man responsible for murdering her father, M.Bison. Now wrap that rage into some spinning bird kicks, you get one kick ass character. Real women have curves, and whenever your fan base starts this young, I salute you:

2) Ruby Malone (Wet)
Leave it to Ms. Malone to make Max Payne and Duke Nukem look like your high school counselor. From the game "Wet," Ruby sets out to find her previous employer that betrayed her, and she's going to shoot, slash, and dismember anyone who disagrees with her plans. However, what sets her apart from your normal shooter protagonist is that she is about as smooth as an expensive shot of Tequila. While any normal person will dive in slow motion while shooting or jumping from platform to platform. Only power sliding (Van Halen Style) while shooting 360 degrees and sliding upside down a ladder shooting enemies below while screaming offensive obscenities, is only mandatory. 

And the WINNER is...... Ms. Aran...Samus Aran! (Metroid Series)

The Lynda Carter, Ice Cube and NWA, and Jackie Robinson of video games all wrapped in one metallic package. When the series started in 1986 (Metroid), it wasn't until eight years later in 1994 when Super Metroid was released that Nintendo dropped the ball and revealed that Samus is in fact, a woman. The sexy bounty hunter became the Iron Man of video games having everything from a laser tether, to cannon at her disposal. For those tight spots she can even turn into a tiny ball of destruction. Having stood the test of time, she transcends schools, new and old. For that w[ii], salute you.

Honorable Mentions: She-Hulk (Marvel Vs. Capcom 3) and Anya Stroud (Gears of War Series) 

     It was just annouced a few days ago that She-Hulk will make her fighting game debut (and 5th video game appearance) in the new Marvel Vs. Capcom 3, due Feburary 15th, 2011. While she didn't make the list, it isn't going to be hard for gamers to respect her authority.
     Speaking of Authority, the Gears of War cast has been extended. One particular member that has been there from day one is Anya Stroud. As losing their homeland and their numbers slowly diminishing, the COG's need all the help they can get. Leaving her background role Anya steps up to the frontlines and answers the call of duty. Don't let the face or lack of field expierience fool you. Lead developer Cliff Bleszinski made assured that this rookie, is no pushover.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

A retrospect in gun-play (my favorite first person shooter guns)

     As friends may know, I am eagerly excited for the new Call Of Duty: Black Ops. I have been known to break a few hearts on the battlefield as well as alienate a little more in real life. However, while watching the new trailer for the 5,000,000th time, I start to wonder. What guns have been my go to weapon of choice. So I compiled a list of guns over the recent years that if you found me on this particular game, DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND DO NOT LET ME GET TO THEM!

Remote Mines (Goldeneye 64)

In my opinion, one of the most uderated weapons in Goldeneye for the Nintendo 64. After finding that rare ammo box that has these precious gems you mission became simple, camp and trickery. Whether you're being chased and you lead your would-be attacker into a remote mine trap, or you did what I did and learn the auto detenation trick by pressing A+B+Z without having to switch to the detonator. The closest thing to Gambit in a first person shooter.

Sniper Rifle (Halo Series)

Now you're probably asking why from the Halo series? Sure sniper rifles are found in every single game that involves shooting your way to the top, but you have to consider the difficulty factor involved when using the sniper rifle in halo. What makes Halo so harder than, let's say Call of Duty? Jumping. Anyone can snipe a player across the map (my best friends' little sister is well-known for that), but it takes a skilled player to earn a double "Headshot" kill while jumping 80 feet in the air. Not so bad now huh?

The BFG 9000 (Doom Series)

Also know to many Hardcore fans as simply the "Big F*@$#*& Gun," the BFG 9000 was pretty much the be all to end all in first person shooters. The equivilent to a smart bomb in most old school side scrolling shooters (i.e. Contra, etc.), once you pulled the trigger, don't expect enemies to pee their pants, expect a real bloody mess for anyone that's in the room!

Knives?!? (Call of Duty)

While it's not a machine that utilizes a trigger or ammo, it's purpose remains the same, kill. When playing Call of Duty, the person who lives by the rule "Get in, get out, and don't let anyone know you were there," is always the winner. Knives not only live by that creed, they make you look oh so cool doing it (don't believe me? See 2:10 into the video!). Now I would much rather go in loud and make more explosions than a Michael Bay greatest hits collection, but there are certain people where "knife fights" are mandatory.

Shotgun (Gears of War)

My all-time favorite weapon of any shooter! However, it's Gears of War that excels in the flash factor for the shotgun. When you shoot, the character feels and hears the cannon attached to your shoulders, and the results that enemies experience from the business end proves just that. It was no wonder that Epic Games had to tone done the shotgun in Gears of War 2, you would find almost all fights during multiplayer up close and ending in a very bloody fashion.

Yes I know I left out the "Mootilator," "Rail Gun from Unreal," or even the "Hammer of Dawn," I left that task for you guys. I'm sure there are plenty of weapons I missed out that could be on this list.   

Friday, November 5, 2010

My Top 5 Video Game Theme Songs

     In the 25 years I have been on this Earth, one of the many things I have learned is that video games is a lot like improv comedy. When doing improv you only have a brief moment to capture the audience, or you're doomed. If your gonna make me play this game, at least make the intro theme incredible. So this list is an ode to those brave souls who set the bar from 8-bit gems to Next-Gen greatness.

Street Fighter 4

Ok don't judge! If you know me, you'll know that I am a huge Street Fighter fan. So when you add in Street Fighter and a J-Pop band that sounds like Color Me Badd, you have no choice but to have a win.

Donkey Kong Country

Again, let me explain. I picked this game because it was more than just a cool intro. It literally says "This isn't your dad's Donkey Kong in the arcades!" It starts off slow and boring, but the pop/hip hop finish makes people excited to play from start to finish.

Kingdom Hearts

Just a beautiful song by Utada Hikaru. Mix that with your need to help the Disney universe, you can't help but to stay on this game for hours. Plus there is always a soft spot for anime in everyones hearts.

Rock Band 2

When you hear this song, gamers have no choice but to pick up a guitar, drum sticks, or microphone and procede to tackle the game's endless playlist. Also, the intro is not that bad either. It always reminded me of Queens of the Stone Age, "Go with the flow."

And here is my all time favorite theme song...
Final Fantasy XIII

Nor Rain, Lightning or Snow (pun intended), could stop me from playing this beautiful game with the speakers blasting. If you ever have a chance and a few extra dollars, download or buy this sound track. With over 300 songs, it fits every scenario that you have planned for the day.

Ok, now that you guys know my top 5, what s your top 5 or theme song you just cannot stop playing in your head?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Holy Continues Batman!!!

     Greetings fellow nerds, otaku, gamers, parents, COUNTRYMEN!!! Welcome to the (official?) blog for Easy Mode & Retries (or if you're lazy with titles, EM&R). Here you'll find everything from news to discussions and when the store is ready in Jan 2011, deals and specials! Super psyched right? Well you should. For those that do not know about this Shangri la of games/anime of sorts, allow me to tell you.
     It all started in May of this year, I was attending Anime Central Convention (ACEN). While hanging out at the convention center all I saw was the abundance of fans and cosplayers alike. I mean, REAL dedicated people that loved everything that anime and anime related games had to offer. When I arived home, I was hungover by all the fun I had that I had to continue that feeling. Thus spawned the idea for EM&R.
     So with some pain staking typing, good old fashioned retail and marketing know-how, and a bad case of "guitar hero eye," I am able to bring you guys only the best in gaming, manga, and most importantly, customer indebtedness. Which is why I chose the name Easy Mode & Retries. Why work hard to get that one game you've haven't played since "that one get together in your mom's basement," or those tournament days in your freshman dorm? Life is all about Easy Modes & Retries.


Stan Richardson