Sunday, November 7, 2010

A retrospect in gun-play (my favorite first person shooter guns)

     As friends may know, I am eagerly excited for the new Call Of Duty: Black Ops. I have been known to break a few hearts on the battlefield as well as alienate a little more in real life. However, while watching the new trailer for the 5,000,000th time, I start to wonder. What guns have been my go to weapon of choice. So I compiled a list of guns over the recent years that if you found me on this particular game, DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND DO NOT LET ME GET TO THEM!

Remote Mines (Goldeneye 64)

In my opinion, one of the most uderated weapons in Goldeneye for the Nintendo 64. After finding that rare ammo box that has these precious gems you mission became simple, camp and trickery. Whether you're being chased and you lead your would-be attacker into a remote mine trap, or you did what I did and learn the auto detenation trick by pressing A+B+Z without having to switch to the detonator. The closest thing to Gambit in a first person shooter.

Sniper Rifle (Halo Series)

Now you're probably asking why from the Halo series? Sure sniper rifles are found in every single game that involves shooting your way to the top, but you have to consider the difficulty factor involved when using the sniper rifle in halo. What makes Halo so harder than, let's say Call of Duty? Jumping. Anyone can snipe a player across the map (my best friends' little sister is well-known for that), but it takes a skilled player to earn a double "Headshot" kill while jumping 80 feet in the air. Not so bad now huh?

The BFG 9000 (Doom Series)

Also know to many Hardcore fans as simply the "Big F*@$#*& Gun," the BFG 9000 was pretty much the be all to end all in first person shooters. The equivilent to a smart bomb in most old school side scrolling shooters (i.e. Contra, etc.), once you pulled the trigger, don't expect enemies to pee their pants, expect a real bloody mess for anyone that's in the room!

Knives?!? (Call of Duty)

While it's not a machine that utilizes a trigger or ammo, it's purpose remains the same, kill. When playing Call of Duty, the person who lives by the rule "Get in, get out, and don't let anyone know you were there," is always the winner. Knives not only live by that creed, they make you look oh so cool doing it (don't believe me? See 2:10 into the video!). Now I would much rather go in loud and make more explosions than a Michael Bay greatest hits collection, but there are certain people where "knife fights" are mandatory.

Shotgun (Gears of War)

My all-time favorite weapon of any shooter! However, it's Gears of War that excels in the flash factor for the shotgun. When you shoot, the character feels and hears the cannon attached to your shoulders, and the results that enemies experience from the business end proves just that. It was no wonder that Epic Games had to tone done the shotgun in Gears of War 2, you would find almost all fights during multiplayer up close and ending in a very bloody fashion.

Yes I know I left out the "Mootilator," "Rail Gun from Unreal," or even the "Hammer of Dawn," I left that task for you guys. I'm sure there are plenty of weapons I missed out that could be on this list.   

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